

The Four Spiritual Laws Booklets

The Four Spiritual Laws Booklets

The Four Spiritul Laws booklet is an easy to use and effective tool that is ideal for evengelim. 

Holy Spirit Booklet

Holy Spirit Booklet

The Holy Spirit booklet is another important tool that we use to nurture new believers. It is very rich for discipleship. 



The FOUR is a simplified version of The Four Spiritual Laws in forms of photos. It is available in bracelets and can be accessed from our offices. 

The Jesus Film

The Jesus Film

We have the Jesus Film and we would love to partner with churches, organizations and believers who would love to use it.

Walking With Jesus

Walking With Jesus

Walking with Jesus is a movie that narrates a story of a chief who gave his life to Christ. It helps a lot in discipleship

Holy Bibles

Holy Bibles

We also have Holy Bibles which we give to partnering churches, organizations and small groups. 

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