In our organization we have two main categories of Strategies:

1. Field Strategies (Students Led Movements, Global Church Movement, Leader Strategies, Digital Strategies, Jesus Film & Women Ministry)

2. Capacity Strategies (Leadership Development / Human Resources, Operations, Fund Development and Team Leadership). 

These Strategies need to work together toward fulfillment of the mission. Capacity building Strategies lays the tracks for the field ministry in order to meet today’s needs to expand and accommodate our vision for the future.


How does Operations go about contributing to making disciples and the fulfillment of the Great Commission? We contribute by building capacity for the ministry. We state this formally by saying we “build organizational capacity to accelerate spiritual movements everywhere.” Therefore a simple summary of the what, why and how of Operations is:

● What?   We make disciples

● Why?   To fulfill the Great Commission

● How?   By building capacity for the ministry


The word “capacity” refers to the ability to receive or contain, the capability to perform or produce, or the maximum possible production or output. So when we talk about building capacity for the ministry, we’re talking about increasing our ability to receive the growth that God might bring and improving our capability to execute our plans and strategies. Building capacity means we’re increasing the maximum possible output, or you could say the maximum fruitfulness, that we can have as a ministry.


There are THREE MAJOR OUTCOMES that Global Operations is currently working towards to build organizational capacity. 

1. CAPACITY BUILDERS: Inspired and equipped teams of operations staff (and all staff and disciples) build capacity for the acceleration of our mission and vision. 

In Exodus 35:30-35 God chooses two men, Bezalel and Oholiab, to oversee building the Tabernacle. They are like the first operations team!  The calling, work and teaching others of Bezalel and Oholiab, resulted in the entire Israelite community, over 2 million people, to be able to meet with the Lord. That is our privilege in operations as well, to recruit teams of people who are called by God to use skills God has given us to help people to meet Jesus Christ, and to develop as spiritual and skilled leaders.

2. CORE SYSTEMS: Integrated global core systems are in place and operating effectively to serve the needs of movement builders. 

Our Operations systems are like the nets and boats mentioned above in the events of Luke 5. Building our core systems is like making stronger nets and adding more boats that will result in receiving more of God’s blessings. This means more fruitfulness in ministry and building of movements everywhere!

3. CULTURE OF LEADING WITH INFORMATION: Movement leaders and teams use timely, accurate and relevant information to make better ministry decisions. 

Proverbs 27:23 says, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds.” We desire to provide the information needed to allow our ministry leaders to clearly understand the condition of the the ministry they are shepherds over. This enables them to be more wise in stewardship and more strategic in decision making.

Operations Staff

Mzwandile Nkambule

Mzwandile Nkambule

Operations National Leader

Vusa Sithole

Vusa Sithole

Media & Technology Person

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