In obedience to our Lord’s command in Matthew 28:19-20 and by working together in the body of Christ, GCM seeks to live out the Campus Crusade for Christ mission of winning, building and sending by helping establish a vital church or missional community among every 1,000 people in every city, village and digital network..
As GCM, we have these five critical commitments in our leadership and practice.
1) The authority of the Bible We value the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. We hold the Bible as the final authority for our relationship with God, and we look to Jesus as the complete expression of love and missional practice. We live out this high view of the Bible, and the model of Jesus, in our discipleship of new believers, our commitment to the priesthood of all believers, and our desire for every believer to live as the “salt of the earth and the light of the world.” We emphasize complete dependence on the person and the power of the Holy Spirit. We mobilize strategic prayer and fasting as the foundation of any spiritual movement that transforms individuals, families and communities.
2) The priority of the kingdom We value the priority of the kingdom of God, which is bigger than any organization or church. We intentionally partner with others who share a similar vision to build the kingdom. We support the development and implementation of national alliances and partnerships. We learn and receive from others humbly, we give generously, and we aim to maximize resources in the body of Christ
3) The priesthood of all believers
We value every person, believer and church. Every person is loved by God and should be given at least one opportunity to know Jesus. Every believer is sent to pray, go, give and make disciples. Every church can multiply disciples, leaders and churches. God fulfills His mission through a local body of Christ: the church.
4) Being a learning organization
We value learning and constant improvement of our leadership skills and abilities. We measure the scope (every), speed (multiplication), and quality (health and impact) of our activities and results. We constantly evaluate and improve our tools, strategies, platforms and processes. We aim to create an environment of faith, growth and fruitfulness through continuous assessment and learning.
5) Christ-centered leadership
We value leading from a rested heart, an exalted view of God, and a Christ-centered and Spirit-filled life. We value leadership. We invest in developing leaders for Global Church Movements as well as the body of Christ. We move beyond evangelism and initial follow-up of new believers to the raising up of new leaders and church multipliers from the harvest field. We believe that both men and women are equally created in God’s image and called and used by God in ministry and leadership.
BOLD ACTIONS As we work together with all who share a similar vision in the body of Christ, we take bold actions.
1) Boldly PRAY GCM promotes faith-filled praying and mobilizing extraordinary prayer. We actively partner with other prayer movements and networks. We send prayer teams to peoples and places we aim to engage with evangelism and church-planting movements
2) Boldly GO [1: 1,000] GCM promotes going to every people and every place -- every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Mark 16:15, Matthew 24:14, Acts 1:8, Revelation 5:9-10). We inspire vision within the body of Christ to reach into the missional gap and plant a vital church or missional community for every 1,000 people. We give emphasis to urban environments, youth populations, digital spaces and the largest unreached populations of the world.
3) Boldly MOBILIZE [50X] GCM helps mobilize the body of Christ by raising up workers from the harvest field. We partner with local churches and equip saints for ministry. We multiply movement leadership. Our goal is for every GCM staff member to work with at least 50 volunteer leaders
4) Boldly PARTNER [1 + 1 >2]
GCM promotes and practices strategic partnerships both within our organization and in the wider body of Christ. We work together with member organizations of GACX (Global Alliance for Church Multiplication) and other like-minded networks. We make our best contributions toward finishing the task of the Great Commission by collaborating with others. We believe that the work done by two people together is greater than the sum of what two people do individually.
5) Boldly MULTIPLY [4x4G+]
GCM supports and establishes church multiplication movements to the fourth generation and beyond. We help existing churches understand and practice multiplication. We inspire and equip disciples to make disciples, leaders to train leaders, and movements to start movements.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVOLVEMENT Bold moves Despite the many challenges we face in the world today, God is working powerfully in every nation changing lives and building his kingdom. God is calling us for something extraordinary— to help establish a local body of Christ among every people and in every place. The Holy Spirit is uniting the body of Christ more than ever before, creating an unprecedented opportunity to preach the gospel among every tribe, tongue, people and nation. This is the time for each one of us to give our best for the glory of God, and do anything and everything God is calling us to do. There are various ways for you to be involved in furthering God’s kingdom through church planting movements. YOU CAN: • Pray • Be trained on essential principles and practices of church multiplication movements • Plant and lead a multiplying church or missional community • Coach leaders • Invest financial resources • Go on a vision trip • Offer your expertise such as technology, online coaching, communication, research and more May these words of Jesus ring powerfully in our hearts and heads, and move our hands passionately for action! “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18) “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
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