Ethiopia, with a population of nearly 115 million, is home to approximately 25 million individuals who identify with Jesus Christ, leaving roughly 90 million without such affiliation. Our mission is to unite with fellow believers within the body of Christ and empower the faithful among the 25 million Christians to reach out to the rest of the population with the message of Jesus Christ, striving to establish movements for church multiplication (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; John 3:16).
Aligned with the purpose, mission, and values of Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia, a ministry under Campus Crusade for Christ International, we envision a world where every individual has access to a vibrant church or faith community, regardless of their location.
GCM fosters inclusivity by embracing a diverse spectrum of churches and missional communities, each reflecting a variety of expressions, backgrounds, models, sizes, and shapes. Despite this diversity, these entities are united by a shared commitment to several core principles. These include upholding the authority of the Bible and acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission, and spreading the gospel of Jesus through both word and deed. Moreover, they affirm the unity and paramountcy of the kingdom of God, recognizing the One Church as the Bride of Christ. In their endeavors, they prioritize the development and application of contextually relevant models and strategies that remain deeply rooted in the Word of God.
Key Movement Indicators:
1. A Vital Church for Every 1,000 People: One of our primary goals is to ensure that there is a thriving church community available for every 1,000 individuals within a given population. This indicator reflects our commitment to widespread access to spiritual nourishment and community support, fostering spiritual growth and discipleship on a broad scale.
2. Engagement in Evangelism and Church Planting in Every People and Place: We aspire to see every people group and geographical location actively engaged in evangelism and church planting efforts. This indicator signifies our desire for comprehensive coverage in spreading the gospel message and establishing vibrant Christian communities in every corner of the world.
3. Four Generations of Church Multiplication Through Multiple Streams: We aim to foster a culture of continuous church multiplication, resulting in at least four successive generations of new churches emerging through diverse channels. This indicator reflects our commitment to sustainability and expansion in spreading the message of Christ, ensuring that the impact of our efforts extends far into the future.
4. Leaders Raised From the Harvest: An essential aspect of our mission is the cultivation of new leaders from within the communities we serve. This indicator emphasizes our dedication to identifying, training, and empowering emerging leaders from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that leadership within the Church reflects the richness and diversity of its members.
5. Local Sustainability: We prioritize the establishment of intergenerational coaching relationships, the development of new leaders, the mobilization of financial resources, and the multiplication of churches at the local level. This indicator underscores our commitment to building self-sustaining and resilient communities of faith, capable of perpetuating their mission and ministry over time.
In summary, these Key Movement Indicators serve as benchmarks for assessing the progress and impact of our mission efforts. They reflect our overarching vision of fostering vibrant, multiplying, and sustainable Christian communities that actively engage in spreading the gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God.
Opportunities for Engagement
Despite the countless challenges that confront our world today, God is actively at work in every nation, transforming lives and advancing His kingdom. He calls us to join Him in this extraordinary mission, to help establish local bodies of Christ in every people group and every corner of the globe. The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a profound unity within the body of Christ, presenting an unprecedented opportunity to spread the gospel to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Now is the time for each of us to wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to the glory of God, and to respond obediently to His call. There are numerous avenues through which you can actively participate in advancing God's kingdom, particularly in the vital task of nurturing healthy and missional churches, both in Ethiopia and beyond.
You can:
Pray fervently for the advancement of God's kingdom and the spread of the gospel.
Receive training on the essential principles and practices of church multiplication movements, equipping yourself to effectively contribute to this transformative work.
Engage in planting and leading multiplying churches or missional communities, serving as catalysts for spiritual growth and transformation.
Provide coaching and mentorship to emerging leaders, empowering them to fulfill their God-given potential.
Invest your financial resources in supporting missions and church planting efforts, enabling the expansion of God's kingdom.
Participate in vision trips, gaining first hand insight into the needs and opportunities for ministry in different contexts.
Offer your expertise in various fields such as technology, online coaching, communication, research, and more, to support the mission of the Church and advance the spread of the gospel.
May the words of Jesus resonate deeply within our hearts and minds, compelling us to passionate action:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18)
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
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