How we seek to journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus.
What we believe about the gospel and our call to serve every nation.
Our board Members & National leadership Team
Biographies of our founders, Bill and Vonette Bright.
Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others.
Equipping believers in churches and communities to win, build and send Christ centered and multiplying disciples
Empowering executives, professionals, government officials and leaders in the workplace to lead with Christ based principles
Using digital tools and platforms to reach the lost, share the gospel, have discipleship groups and send Christ centered and multiplying disciples
Helping to provide media tools, training, strategies and resources for abundant follow through evangelism in every needed language.
Providing a platform for women leaders to efficiently lead movements everywhere to win, build and send Christ centred and multiplying disciples
Building capacity through legal, finance and technology expertise for an effective and sustainable presence of the organization
Allowing God to be the driver of all ministry activities through dedicated prayer and fasting involvements with missionaries and partners.
Keep up with upcoming trainings, workshops and events
Keep up with upcoming trainings, workshops and events
You can become part of our team and contribute to fulfilling The Great Commission by partnering with us through your Leadership, Influence, Finance, or Expertise.
We gladly invite and appreciate volunteer staff. You can volunteer with us at your designated time and schedule as communicated with the LDHR and strategy of interest.
You can follow our networks to see Internship vacancies. You can also indicate interest to volunteer and be integrated into internship from being a volunteer.
We also appreciate missionaries that join the team in a full-time capacity. These are individuals who choose to serve God with their skills, time, and all.
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