Digital Strategy

We're now living in the Digital Era. Did you know that over 5.3 Billion people today are mobile phone users and majority of those people also have internet access? In this highly networked fast paced time we live in, we have instant access to vast resources of information and connections with others. On average, people are spending seven hours per day on their screens and devices. There's a seamless integration between a person's online and offline life  with both being real and profoundly shaping. People are making some of life's most significant decisions and relational connections online too, whether that's meeting a future spouse, doing business, searching for truth and meaning or exploring faith. 


How does fulfilling the Great Commission looks like in the Digital Era? 

Digital Strategies is all about our organizational calling of winning, Building and Sending Multiplying Disciples. We believe that in order to do that, we must go and meet people where they are and that place is Online.  Just as Student Led Movements aims to reach students audiences, and leader strategies aims to reach leader audiences, as Digital Strategies we aim to reach online audiences. 


Vision:  we're making Jesus and His mission accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere they want to be a part of it. 

Mission : to radically accelerate the fullfilment of the Great Commission across all audiences, meeting them where they are using digital approaches, principles and tools.


Our Wildy Important work or Goals 

1. Cultivate Digital Maturity amongst National Ministries so that  they can reach their full scope

2. Pioneer into untapped Missional Gaps online with relevant timeless truth. 

3. Mobilize Multiplying Disciples in the Digital World who embrace the digital era and will navigate digital spaces to reach people . 


Technology and ongoing innovation will help us do this but at the end of the day, it's about People.  It's not about websites or social media channels or apps, it's about People and People are online.  It's about making Multiplying Disciples who will go and Make other Disciples. 


Examples of Apps used: 

1. GodsTool App 

2. Thrive App 






DS Staff

Luvuyo Dube

Luvuyo Dube

Digital Strategy Leader

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